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Berenjenas Rellenas (Cuban Eggplant)

Posted Saturday, September 18, 2004


INGREDIENTS (should serve 6)

* 6 tablespoons of butter

* 3 eggplants

* 3 cups of herbed bread stuffing

* 1 – 2 cups of onions (minced)

* 1-2 cups of milk

* 1/2Ib ground chuck

* salt

* parmesan cheese



Although ‘eggplant’ may not sound too exotic, Berenjenas Rellenas is actually a favorite appetizer among Cuban nationals – so if your gusts know you’re serving this, your sure to attract a real Cuban element to your party! In preparing the dish, you need to saute onions in butter in a nine-inch skillet - but only for a couple of minutes. Once you see that the onions have started to become translucent – stop! Then add either some ground turkey or beef and cook for 10 minutes – stirring as you go. After you have done this, get your eggplant and cut this in half (lengthwise). Take the center out of the eggplant – put keep this to one side to use in the filling. Then you need to boil the skins for approximately five minutes before placing them on a cookie sheet and draining them. Best to drain them on paper tissues. Moving on you take the center of the eggplant that you previously put to one side and put this in the skillet. Cook this until it becomes tender and then remove it when it starts to become piping hot. Add ½ a cup of bread stuffing, milk and seasoning and leave it to cook for ten minutes. Put this mixture carefully back into the eggplant and then sprinkle with herbed bread stuffing and parmesan cheese. Put this in a preheated (400 degrees Fahrenheit) oven and cook for 20 minutes. Bingo, your Berenjenas Rellenas are ready to be served!